Ensemble Colourage

A transcultural Ensemble founded out of a German State Philharmonic Orchestra
15 May 2024
– 15:15


André Uelner
Diversity Agent

Since 2020, musicians from the Deutsche Staatsphilharmonie, the Popakademie Baden-Württemberg and the Oriental Music Academy Mannheim have been answering the call to "Make music together!" The name "Colourage" (from color, collage and courage) is an expression of the concept of reflecting the musical diversity of a post-migrant urban society through intensive encounters. It links the orchestra with the local migrant music scene with various artistic and structural effects on both sides.


Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin — phone: +49 30 921095624
Stargader Str. 77, 10437 Berlin
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47361686
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Franz. Str. 33D, 10117 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47997411
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 175 2914719