"Hybris" is an immersive multimedia performatic experience that presents an artistic reflection on climate change, using a metaphor of hybrid beings such as the Grolar, offspring of the Grizzly and Polar bear, that have become characteristic of our era.
14 May 2024
– 16:15
07. Cristian Perilla @jaguaraudiovisual


Carmen Gil Vrolijk
Associate Professor @ Universidad de los Andes

"Hybris” is an immersive multimedia performatic experience that presents an artistic reflection on climate change, using a metaphor of hybrid beings such as the Grolar. The project is based on scientific research on temperature shifts over the last decades and their impact. This information is then used to create images, data visualizations, and live videos that are incorporated into a staged performance involving music, voice, and projections on multiple screens and a geodesic dome structure.

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