
16 May, 2024
– 23:00

off C:N Showcase: Candlelight Concerts, The Richter Scale

Making classical music accessible to more people, that is the goal of Candlelight Concerts made by Fever.
To finish off our showcase programme, come see a world premiere of two hands playing over a player piano! Making classical music accessible to more people, that is the goal of Candlelight Concerts made by Fever. For our off C:N showcase the series will go as far as to feature a quite ambitous programme in cooperation with Steinway pianos in – you guessed it – a candlelight atmosphere inside Berlin’s Gethsemanekirche (a church playing an important role in 1989’s peaceful revolution): Ji Liu, Head of Piano and Keyboard at Trinity Laban, will play a 11-movement composition of Boris Bergmann inspired by Charles F. Richter’s scale to measure earthquakes on a Steinway Spirio|r piano he programmed himself. Shake up your understanding of contemporary music!
candlelight concert


Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin — phone: +49 30 921095624
Stargader Str. 77, 10437 Berlin
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47361686
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Franz. Str. 33D, 10117 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47997411
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 175 2914719