
15 May, 2024
– 21:30

Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble

Northern Ireland
Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble is a world class group of musicians based in Belfast, For the past eleven years they have been catalysts in the city’s vibrant contemporary music scene, developing close collaborations with many composers.
Peaceline Perspectives: Voices from a Divided City features three evocative pieces by Northern Irish composers. The music is interwoven with voices and soundscapes inspired around Belfast’s Peaceline, which separates the nationalist and loyalist communities. For the past eleven years Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble have been catalysts in the city’s vibrant contemporary music scene, developing close collaborations with many composers. This performance showcases the work of three composers whose musical voices are shaped by their shared Northern Irish heritage. Greg Caffrey’s …for peace comes dropping slow takes its inspiration from WB Yeats’ The Isle of Innisfree, Elaine Agnew’s Green is a lighthearted conversation between the musicians while Eduard Zatriqi’s War Games brings the programme to an impassioned and dramatic conclusion. The sound pieces have been created in collaboration with soundscape artists from SARC, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Sound and Music, Belfast.
Hard Rain SoloistEnsemble

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