15 May, 2024
– 16:45

The Musical Art of Curation

Why curation, why now and how it can lead us to a new democracy?

In recent years, the familiar 'art museum' term of curator is being adopted by the classical music industry. Museum curators guide our senses through a visual collection of ideas, so what is the role of the music curator? This lively two-part session will address vital questions to inspire thought on how curation might offer us a pathway to re-imagining our programming practices. How do a curator's skills differ from those of an artistic director? What do you need to become a curator?  How do you curate an audience? What is a curated sonic journey and how does the architecture of space change the musical storytelling? Part two invites us to imagine the future. What are the tides of change, where are they happening and who is shaping the next wave of progress? How does a curator use their power to revise the representation of ethnic, racial, and gendered voices on our musical stages? Can curation present itself as a democratiser? When we address ethnocultural biases, are we fragmenting or integrating our audiences?  How do curators change our perception of who and what an audience is? How do curators go beyond the consumer-driven lines of musical genre? So many great questions all curated during this session.

Xenia Hanusiak

Chaired by:

Xenia Hanusiak, Australia

Cultural Attache and International Festival Director, Netherlands Embassy


ArtEZ University of the Arts,
Curator and coordinator of the course "Curatorial Practices in Music"
Artistic Director,
RCCR Projects GmbH

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