15 May, 2024
– 13:45

The Future of Music Education

Will music conservatories be relevant in the next 20 years?

As we stand at a crossroads in a rapidly evolving global landscape, the future relevance of music conservatories in the coming decades is a question that demands our attention. Drawing from diverse leadership roles in Europe, Latin America, and the US – spanning social development initiatives to leading higher education institutions – this session raises queries about the value of current music training paradigms. Beyond performance mastery, are young musicians being equipped with the versatile skills needed in an interconnected world? Does the approach foster critical thinking and incorporate a liberal arts dimension?
This session, enriched by a philosophical framework, real-world case studies, and industry expertise, delves into the vital issues that are shaping the industry's trajectory. Join us for this concise exploration of music education's transformative potential for the 21st century.

Enrique Marquez

Chaired by:

Enrique Márquez, Mexico

Artistic director, Boca del Rio Philharmonic


Hochschule für Musik Hanns-Eisler Berlin
Czech Republic
Ph.D. candidate, Marketing & PR Manager,
Janáček Academy of Performing Arts, Faculty of Music

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