14 May, 2024
– 11:15

Higher Music Education Pre-Conference

Intersections and opportunities.

Classical music is hungry for new opportunities, audiences and patrons. Excellent musicians who can engage with new audiences are needed. Higher education wants to see their graduates employed and fulfilled as creative artists and/or curators. That’s why employers and higher education institutions should join forces to achieve this. This pre-conference will explore intersections and opportunities within the classical music ecosphere including addressing the impact of recent technological developments such as AI, and spotting so far untapped potential for collaboration between higher music education and the music business sector. The pre-conference will be organised as a workshop including short input presentations as well as interactive group work.
Topics include: how might we prepare students with the artistic skills and entrepreneurial mindset needed for a successful career in the music sector; how might we achieve sustainability in their professional lives through challenging the status quo; how might we re-think artistic excellence and quality; how do we re-imagine what we consider success; and how might we increase cultural and societal diversity to overcome systemic power relations and inequities in music higher education and in the professional music sector?

Stefan Gies

Chaired by:

Stefan Gies, Germany

Chief Executive Officer, Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC)

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