16 May, 2024
– 14:45

Harmonising Cultures: Rethinking the Role of Concert Halls in a Globalised World

Navigating cultural diplomacy and collaboration in an era of evolving classical music landscapes.

This session zooms in on the evolving function of concert halls in a constantly changing world. We are at a crossroads where Europe is no longer the undisputed leader in the classical music world. With the emergence of new markets in different parts of the world, we face the challenge of rethinking our role and approach. This session will address the importance of collaboration, partnerships and cultural diplomacy, essential in a world that seems increasingly culturally interconnected but also threatened by increasing competition and conflict.

Hendrik Storme_by_Jesse Willems

Chaired by:

Hendrik Storme, Belgium

Artistic Director, De Singel


Deputy Director for Development,
Narodowe Forum Muzyki Wroclaw
van der Meer,
Concert Programmer/Artistic Coordinator,
Het Concertgebouw

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