
13 May, 2024
– 21:15

The Third Orchestra

The Third Orchestra emerged in 2019 when the Barbican Centre hosted its launch in a residency.
Since 2011, Peter Wiegold’s Club Inégales, London, in 120 events, saw artists from across world traditions play alongside his ensemble/band Notes Inégales. The Third Orchestra emerged from this crucible and, in 2019, the Barbican Centre hosted its launch in a residency. The co-curator was the late John Cumming, for 25 years director of the EFG London Jazz Festival and production house Serious. It has a 360° approach, with exceptional musicians from art, folk, jazz, contemporary and popular backgrounds, all creator/performers. In 2023 the transcultural Ensemble Extrakte, Berlin merged into the orchestra and their Director Elke Moltrecht is now the Creative Producer. In January they presented at ISPA, New York to 500 ‘global arts leaders’. Their vision is to travel with a core then make new Third Orchestras, collaborating with musicians across-genre from the centres visited. Many current plans include a ‘Turkic’ project, working with the Prehistoric Body Theatre of Surakarta, Indonesia and with Zar performers from Upper Egypt.
The Third Orchestra

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