
TUNE-IN Presentation & Workshop

Empowering Musicians: A Workshop on Mental Health and Systemic Change in the Classical Music Sector

How can we create systemic change to support musicians’ mental health? Join mental health experts as they present the ‘TUNE-IN’ framework, addressing challenges in the music sector. The workshop includes insights and strategies for mental health support / leadership training, and a call to action.

This workshop brings together three experts in Musicians’ Mental Health who developed the ‘TUNE-IN’ framework to address systemic challenges in the Classical Sector. We increasingly recognize the need for systemic change to address abuses of power, harassment, burnout and cynicism. TUNE-IN explores agents for change, mental health supports, leadership training, and artistic guidance at all levels, from system-wide advocacy initiatives and leadership training to psychosocial support for individual musicians. The speakers share insights from their work in psychology and coaching, focusing on (self-)leadership, communication, inter- and intrapersonal skill building, and the Art of Collaboration. Offering a deep dive into the TUNE-IN framework, this session invites discussion on a critical question: What changes are needed to protect our sector and the well-being of those working in it?

Heather O Donnell
Heather O Donnell (Photo: Marion Koell)
Paul Roe (Photo: beta Bajgart)
Angela Büche (Photo: Hartwig Stoiber)

Chaired by

Heather O’Donnell (United States)
Founding Director, TGR The Green Room


Angela Büche (Switzerland)
Coach, Mediator, Organisational Consultant, Musician, STIMMIG-LEBEN
Paul Roe (Ireland)
Professor of Clarinet, Royal Irish Academy of Music


Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin — phone: +49 30 921095624
Stargader Str. 77, 10437 Berlin
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47361686
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Franz. Str. 33D, 10117 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47997411
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 175 2914719