
From listening to playing

Reimagining musical participation for art music audiences

How do you get 10,000 people to play art music on the kazoo? Join us for a hands-on workshop that takes a deep dive into audience participation.

How do you get 10,000 people to play art music on the kazoo? This is a hands-on, interactive workshop designed to showcase new modes of audience participation and community engagement based on leanings from research at Monash University and a keystone project, “10,000 Kazoos.” The session will be a fun 45-minute workshop that looks at techniques and strategies to engage new audiences, and turn music listeners into active contributors in the concert experience. It will explore deeper audience engagement in live and virtual settings, and explore what innovative modes of audience participation are most effective for classical music.


Dr. Ciaran Frame
Dr. Ciaran Frame (Photo: Jon McCormack)

Chaired by

Dr. Ciaran Frame (Australia)
Composer and researcher, Independent


Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin — phone: +49 30 921095624
Stargader Str. 77, 10437 Berlin
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47361686
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Franz. Str. 33D, 10117 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47997411
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 175 2914719