
Evolving the orchestral model

Exploring alternative ways of working to reposition in a modern world

“The existing orchestral model is a barrier to our ability to develop the artform of classical music and reposition it in a modern world. Reevaluating the orchestral model today is a key part of classical music’s survival strategy” – Toks Dada.
Toks Dada
Toks Dada (Photo: David Lavene)
Linda Begbie (Photo: Manchester Collective, Robin Clewley)
John Harte

Chaired by

Toks Dada (United Kingdom)
Head of Classical Music, Southbank Centre


Linda Begbie (United Kingdom)
Chief Executive, Manchester Collective
John Harte (United Kingdom)
Chief Executive , Aurora Orchestra
Jonathan Harper (United Kingdom)
Chief Executive, Paraorchestra


Gleimstraße 33, 10437 Berlin — phone: +49 30 921095624
Stargader Str. 77, 10437 Berlin
Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47361686
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin
Franz. Str. 33D, 10117 Berlin — phone: +49 30 47997411
Holzmarkt 25, Holzmarktstraße 25, 10243 Berlin — phone: +49 175 2914719